Thursday, June 14, 2012

May Merriment

Display in Rockefeller Center

Where does the time go? It’s been nearly a month since my last post. I was hoping to write once a week, but I guess I was just dreaming because I just don’t think I can swing it. Summer is upon us! Ironically enough, with these longer days, time only seems to fly faster. That said, let me give you a quick recap on life. It’s been crazy. Weekends have been booked with family visits including a visit from Jacob, my husband, and a jaunt out to Jones Beach. But, let’s back track a bit. Last I was here I mentioned Easter photos. Well, here you go! We went to Fanny’s son and daughter-in-law’s home in Stamford for an Easter feast. Her daughter-in-law Michaela, is like the Turkish Martha Stuart. Grandpa, Fanny, and myself spent the morning prior to the feast dying eggs. She was so excited she insisted on playing the Easter bunny. Grandpa just went with the flow, per usual.
 We got to their home later that evening and Fanny went straight to work on hiding eggs for us all to find. It was quite creative and artistic but she hid the eggs in these adorable little ‘nests’ with a few candies accompanying each egg. (What a great idea!)

Grandpa had a good time hunting for eggs with us. All I can say about the feast? It was so amazing and decadent, I had a belly ache from overconsumption.

Garden Catering, wine, beer, and croquet on a spring evening...perfection.
Flash forward (the weekend I’m back from Chicago) Fanny’s brother comes for a visit. Fanny’s brother is in his 70s I believe, lives in Utah, and is a canyoneer. He and his wife eat all organic, and are practically their own farmers. Oh yeah, and her brother just happens to be the voice of Thumper from, yes, Disney’s Bambi. Thumper’s personality aligns with her brothers perfectly. He’s entertaining, hilarious, and lots of fun to be around. We all played croquet upon my arrival from work. Michaela and Fanny’s son, Jim, Grandpa and Fanny, Thumper and his wife, my uncle and myself. It was a blast. Sipping wine, laughing, getting to know each other all while the warm spring sun was setting. Tubbers even enjoyed running past us all from time to time to show off his skills. After the game, Thumper and Jim had a croquet juggling contest…something I picture Thumper in Bambi actually doing. Awesome times!

Thumper and his sister, Fanny.

Thumper from Bambi, juggling.
Last week was BEA (Book Expo America), which is the largest book conference in the country. This is the conference all the celebrities with new books, come to, to promote themselves. (The only celebrity I saw really, was Kirstie Alley—whoopie!) It’s giant, a sensory overload, and a TON of work. So, I wasn’t around much last week, but this past Sunday, Fanny, Grandpa, and Myself all went to see 42nd Street at a small Stamford playhouse they have season tickets to. Apparently a few of their friends bailed so they invited me. I knew it would be fun, but boy was it difficult to muster up the desire to go after last week running around inside an over air conditioned halls of The Javitz Center. I’m glad I went. Grandpa enjoyed it so much, it couldn’t be missed. Now keep in mind, this playhouse is pretty small. It probably seats 100-150, and we were in the third row. Well, Grandpa knows all the songs so he’s singing so loudly during some of the slower songs that Fanny has to keep hitting him and shushing him. But a minute or so after, he starts singing again. Fortunately, the entire audience is filled with a sea of grey and white-haired patrons who probably don’t notice it, but that said, go Grandpa. He can carry a tune! After the lovely play, we all went to The Beach House for a yummy dinner. Grandpa and Fanny shared a shrimp salad (which was huge) and I had the fish tacos. Yum! It turned out to be a great day.

This post is getting a little long so I’m going to cut it off soon, I promise. This weekend I’m planning to go to Greenwich Point for some beach time with a friend and then Sunday my aunt and uncle are coming down from Newtown to celebrate Father’s Day with Grandpa (and us too, of course!). Let’s see if we can get another croquet game in the works!
Grandpa soaking in the sun at Greenwich Point on one of the warmer days this spring. Just me and Grandpa.

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